Turning points

Build your future with calm consideration. With us, you will not be left alone in transitions as we help you find the best path to your goal together.

For better and for worse

When your business expands, you need to keep your head cool to keep everything under control. At some point, there may be a moment when it is time to pass the torch to the next owner or close down for good.

We support you in preparing for changes and surviving surprises, such as a controlled shutdown of business operations or corporate reorganisation, change of ownership, challenges related to expansion, and overcoming financial difficulties.

We help with:

  • changes of ownership
  • financial arrangements
  • alternative calculations
  • finding new partners
  • identifying risks
  • identifying and developing competence needs
  • personnel issues
  • preparing documents

Question mark icon describing turning points.

Changes in business 

Jussi, tel. +358 408 303 018 
jussi.kemila [at] raahe.fi 

Riitta, tel. +358 408 303 198 
riitta.palosaari [at] raahe.fi
Yrittäjän talousapu 
Counselling service, financial difficulties
Job Market Finland 
Changes to the employment contract